• 21 October 2019

Watson Woodhouse join the fight against homelessness in CEO Sleepout 2019

by Watson Woodhouse

On 27th October 2019, our colleagues Demi and Eleanor, gave up their beds for the night to raise money and awareness for homelessness and poverty in Teesside and across the UK.

The event was organised by CEO Sleepout UK, who to date have raised a phenomenal £2.2 million for charities who work tirelessly in the fight to make life easier for those in the group of homelessness and poverty.

Every year the charity organises different events across the UK, allowing people to give up their warm beds and homes for the night, and sleep outside in the cold, rainy weather, to have a small insight into what some people go through on a daily basis.

CEO Sleepout know that what they do is nowhere near the same as what real people have to endure, but the work they do raising money and awareness, and giving support to homeless charities across the UK is incredible, and a fantastic cause that we are so proud to be part of.

In the weeks leading up to the sleep out, Eleanor and Demi worked extremely hard to raise as much money as they could by coming up with ways to fundraise, and setting up a JustGiving page which can be found here – https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/DemiMillard-EleanorHenderson

The girls held various cake sales, and asked for donations from family, friends and colleagues, and between them raised a massive £691.95 for several different charities that work to help homelessness.

Eleanor said ’The CEO Sleepout was an amazing event to be a part of. Although we woke up absolutely soaked through after it had rained continuously throughout the night, it made us appreciate how lucky and fortunate we both were to have a warm dry bed to go back home to!

It was inspiring to listen to charity leaders such as First Stop, talk about what they do to help the vulnerable in our area. They truly do everything they can to assist people in need, and it was great to understand exactly where the money we raised will go and how it will help those that need it.

Overall it was an amazing movement to be a part of, and a great way to raise money and awareness for people that are homeless and living in poverty’.

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