Prison Law

At Watson Woodhouse, we understand the immense challenges and emotional strain that imprisonment can impose on individuals and their loved ones. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing exceptional legal support through our Prison Law team.

Our specialist team strives to safeguard the rights and privileges of those detained, ensuring they receive fair and humane treatment.

Free Initial Discussion

If your friend or family member is currently in custody, call our specialist Prison Law team today on 01642 247656 or use our contact form and we will call you back.

What is Prison Law?

Prison law protects the rights of prisoners. It ensures that prisoners are treated humanely and fairly, upholding the principles of justice and equality within the correctional system.

What Rights Do Prisoners Have?

Prisoners are entitled to certain rights, which encompass:

  • Protection against bullying and racial harassment
  • Healthcare provisions, including support for mental health conditions
  • Access to legal representation and the ability to contact a solicitor

How Can Watson Woodhouse Help?

Our expert team can assist in all areas of prison law thoroughly and efficiently, including but not limited to the following:

Recalls/Oral Hearings

If you or a loved one has been recalled to prison, our team can provide representation either orally or in writing to challenge the recall decision and advocate for release.

Independent Adjudications

We offer guidance and representation in independent adjudications, aiming to ensure that prisoners are fairly treated and that any disciplinary proceedings adhere to legal standards.

Parole Delays

Delays in parole decisions can be distressing. Our legal experts can address these delays, working to expedite the parole process and aim to ensure timely hearings and decisions.

Sentence Calculation Issues

Incorrect sentence calculations can result in prisoners serving longer than necessary. We can assist in aiming to resolve these issues, so sentences are calculated accurately and fairly.

Judicial Review of Decisions

When prison decisions seem unjust or unlawful, we can seek a judicial review to challenge these decisions, aiming to protect your rights and achieve a fair outcome.

Breach of Human Rights

Instances such as denial of family visits or inadequate healthcare can constitute human rights breaches. We can help address these issues, advocating for the restoration of your rights.

Actions Against Public Authorities

If you’ve experienced unlawful arrest or excessive use of force by public authorities, we can pursue legal action to hold those responsible accountable.

Challenging Sentence Plans

We assist in challenging unfair or inappropriate sentence plans, aiming to ensure that your rehabilitation and progression within the prison system are properly supported.


If you believe your security categorisation is unfair or incorrect, we can help challenge and seek appropriate re-categorisation to reflect your current risk level accurately, including Category D and Home Detention Curfew (HDC) status.

Medication Issues

Inadequate medical care or denial of necessary medication can severely impact health. We can address these issues, by advocating for proper medical treatment and care.

Sentence Progression

We can assist in all matters related to sentence progression, aiming to ensure that you receive the opportunities for rehabilitation and development necessary for your reintegration.

IPP Prisoners

Our team can assist in appeals against IPP sentences aiming to challenge the indeterminate sentence through appeals and reviews.

Category A Reviews

There is a dedicated team within the Ministry of Justice (in the High-Security Prisons Group) – the ‘Category A Team’ – that deals with the classification and review of Category A prisoners. We can help submit representations to the Category A team to assist in a review of categorisation. This may be an initial review following a sentence or part of an annual review process.

Prison Transfer Requests

We can assist prisoners in preparing and submitting formal transfer requests. In cases of denial, we can support prisoners in appealing decisions and reapplying.

If your friend or family member is currently in custody and is experiencing any of the above, call our specialist Prison Law team today on 01642 247656 or use our contact form and we will call you back.

Do I Have to Pay for Legal Representation?

Legal Aid is available for us to represent you and provide advice in specific cases. If Legal Aid is not applicable, we can still help. To determine if you are eligible for legal aid, contact our team

Contact Us Today

Call us for a FREE and confidential consultation with our specialist Prison Law team today on 01642 247656. Alternatively, complete our online contact form and one of our team will be in touch.

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Call us on 01642 247 656 or request a callback for further information, or start a claim and one of our specialistPrison Law lawyers will be in touch.

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