Shotgun and Firearm Licence Appeals

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Do you need expert advice on firearm licence appeals?

At Watson Woodhouse, our specialist solicitors can help you with shotgun and firearm licence appeals. Get in touch for a free initial consultation to discuss your case today.

The Police have lots of discretion in terms of firearms licences. The element of subjectivity means there’s inconsistency in how individuals are treated. This depends on the specific Police force dealing with an application or even the individual officer involved in a case. With a wealth of experience behind us, we’ll represent your licence appeal in court whilst ready to challenge any police decision made.

Police Powers

Firearm or shotgun certificates can be refused if the Chief of Police is satisfied an applicant cannot fulfil the criteria for the grant or renewal of a certificate. In addition,  firearm certification may be fully revoked by the Chief of Police for the area in which the holder resides, if he has reason to believe any of the following:

  • The holder is of intemperate habits, unsound mind or is otherwise unfit to be entrusted with a firearm
  • Holder can no longer be permitted to have the firearm or ammunition to which the certificate relates in his possession without danger to the public safety or to the peace
  • Holder is prohibited by this Act from possessing a firearm to which section 1 of the Firearms Act applies
  • Holder no longer has good reason for possession, or for purchasing or acquiring, the firearm or ammunition which he is authorised by virtue of the certificate to have in his possession or to purchase or acquire

Firearm & Shotgun Licence Revocation

Firearm certification may be partially revoked only if the Chief of Police is satisfied that the holder no longer has a good reason for having in his possession or for purchasing or acquiring, the firearm or ammunition to which the partial revocation relates.

Shotgun certification may be revoked by the Chief of Police for the area in which the holder resides if he is satisfied that the holder is prohibited by this Act from possessing a shotgun or cannot be permitted to possess a shotgun without danger to the public safety or to the peace.

Firearm & Shotgun Licence Appeals

Any person who has had a firearm or shotgun certificate revoked has the right to appeal the decision and for this to be heard in the Crown Court before a judge.

Firearm licence appeals must be made within 21 days of the initial decision. Each case is unique, the outcome depending upon the facts, evidence quality and the impression of the licence holder and chief officer formed by the judge. As experienced advocates, we ensure your appeal evidence is presented clearly and skillfully.

Our fees

Members of the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association (CPAS) might be able to take advantage of legal expenses insurance coverage. This covers the cost of an appeal. If you’re a member of a club or association, let us know and we’ll make the arrangements for you. If you don’t have a membership we’ll offer a quote based upon a competitive, private fixed fee structure.

Case Studies

February 2023

Watson Woodhouse Solicitors successfully appealed the revocation of a shotgun licence for a client who was arrested for threats to kill. The client came to the firm after being accused of a crime he did not commit. On appeal, it was held that the client was not a danger to the public or the peace and the client’s shotgun licence was returned. After instructing Bethean in December 2022, his licence was returned within 2 months.

February 2023

A client who was arrested multiple times for harassment came to Watson Woodhouse Solicitors when his firearms licence was revoked. The client appealed the decision of the Chief Constable to revoke his licence. Following a half-day hearing at the Court, Watson Woodhouse Solicitors challenged the evidence of the alleged harassment and won the appeal. The shotgun licence was reinstated to the client.

November 2022

We were instructed by a client whose firearms licence renewal was refused due to a mental health medical entry on the client’s GP records from 20 years previous. Bethean drafted an application to the Court and Chief Constable. Upon reviewing the application, the firearms licencing department did not contest and the matter was resolved without the need for a hearing at the Crown Court.

We are here to help

Call us for a FREE and confidential consultation with a specialist solicitor today on 01642 247 656; alternatively, complete our online contact form, and one of our team will be in touch.

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