Joe Watson

Joe Watson

Crime & Senior Leadership Team & Talent Management Team

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Joe Watson

York House, Middlesbrough

  • Assault
  • Benefit Fraud
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Business and White Collar
  • Complex Fraud
  • Conspiracy
  • Criminal Defence
  • Murder and Manslaughter
  • Sexual Assault
  • About Me

I joined Watson Woodhouse in 2014 after completing a Law Degree at Newcastle University and a Legal Practice Course at Northumbria University. I am an accredited Police Station Representative and Duty Solicitor.

I specialise in Crime. Part of my role with Watson Woodhouse is working in the Crown Court Department, where I litigate a variety of cases which include drug conspiracies, high-value fraud, violent offences and offences of a sexual nature.

Due to the nature of the work that I undertake at Watson Woodhouse, I am often required where necessary to travel to a variety of Court centres around the UK including Newcastle, Liverpool, Sheffield, Lincoln and Lewes. This has allowed me to gain valuable experience working with a variety of Senior Counsel and Solicitors.

Some of my recent cases include:

  • R-v-N and Others (Teesside Crown Court). N was one of 6 accused of a drugs conspiracy between Bradford and the North East of England.
  • R-v-H and Others (Lewes Crown Court). H was one of 12 involved in a high value money laundering case whereby several accounts were used to launder significant amounts of money.
  • R-v-S and Others (Liverpool Crown Court). S was one of 18 involved in a conspiracy to supply Firearms, Class A drugs and Criminal Property from the North West to the Yorkshire area.
  • R-v-W (Newcastle Crown Court) W was accused of abusing a of position of trust.
  • R-v-R – Breach of Serious Crime Prevention Order.
  • Operation Tapir. A Trading Standards matter where our client, Mr. S, was one of 8 charged with conspiracy to defraud.
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