Emily Baker Harrington

Emily Baker Harrington

Crime & Magistrates Court

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Emily Baker Harrington

York House, Middlesbrough

  • About Me

I am a Solicitor in the Magistrates Court Department.

I started my legal career in Family Law while completing my Bachelor of Laws LLB degree and LLM/LPC (Master of Laws) before starting my Training Contract in 2020. I experienced the challenges caused by the global pandemic; however, I ensured that my clients continued to receive consistent and efficient service.

In September 2022, I qualified as a Solicitor. I have always had a specialist interest in Criminal Law, and I started working at Watson Woodhouse in July 2023 to pursue my dream career as a Criminal Solicitor. To date, I have gained valuable experience in the Magistrates Court and the Crown Court while working towards my Police Station Accreditation.

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