Angela Strike

Angela Strike

Family & Mental Health

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Angela Strike


  • Care Proceedings
  • Family Law
  • Mental Health
  • About Me
  • Memberships

I joined Watson Woodhouse in May 2020 and since then have been involved in representing clients regularly in both family and Mental Health matters.

In relation to family proceedings, I represent parents regularly within Care proceedings, including preparing statements on their behalf, appearing at Court and meeting with them throughout the proceedings. I regularly deal with cases where there are concerns surrounding drugs, alcohol, domestic violence or mental health issues.

In relation to Family Law, I represent clients dealing with Child Arrangement Orders, Specific Issue Orders and the obtaining of Non-molestation and Occupation Orders.

I am a member of the Law Society’s Mental Health Panel.  I represent clients before Mental health Tribunals, Managers Meetings, and Care Plan Meetings for both restricted and unrestricted clients.

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