About Emily Moore
Home /About Emily Moore

Born in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, a beautiful daughter to David and Susan
and sister to Ben. Emily grew up and lived in the current family home in Shildon. At a
young age she attended brownie’s, gymnastics, swimming and also ballet lessons all
of which she enjoyed and was keen to attend and spent a lot of weekends going out
with her Mam and Grandma Barbara who she was very close to. The schools Emily
attended were Timothy Hackworth primary school and Sunnydale/Greenfield
Comprehensive, she was a well-liked pupil with a fairly large group of friends and
very bright, again attending many after school activities and did very well in her
exams considering her mental health at the time.
Emily loved shopping from as far back as we can remember and was an animal lover
with many pets throughout her short life and loved elephants, but we stopped at only
allowing Guinea pigs and cats! Holidays and TV were a big part of her life also
growing up and ironically our daughter passed away on the same day as the TV
presenter Caroline Flack who she loved watching on Love Island one of her favourite
Emily had her whole life ahead of her, she really did, sadly taken by mental health
issues and lack of proper professional care.
We miss you every single day ‘Our Emily’
Always in our hearts and never forgotten.
Love Mam, Dad and Ben x”
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